Title: ZLG's VGStash available online Created: 2020-05-25 I'm pleased to announce that my personal VGStash[1] database is now reachable via a JSON file that I generate daily. It has two endpoints available at present: https://zlg.space/misc/vgstash.json gopher://zlg.space/0/misc/vgstash.json In the future, I may add a comment to indicate the last time it was updated, but I'd rather add that to vgstash's code at a later date so it can be baked into the JSON file rather than hacked in via sed later. In the meantime, if any of you JSON-smiths love crunching data, I'd love to see what you can pull off with what little data vgstash needs! I can additionally ship this file as YAML, but then it would need its own directory to be clean. We'll keep it with JSON for now, since that's the most popular serialization format at present. Aside from this news, I'm also cleaning up some prior articles from my phlog to republish. The first one should already be up, in the Software section: Adhering to RFC1436[2]. It was well-received during my time at Bongusta, and may be relevant again as Gopher is enjoying a little surge of activity in the past year or so. Thanks for reading, and enjoy. -z [1]: https://git.zlg.space/vgstash or https://pypi.org/project/vgstash (It's been a year since the last release, but bugfixes are coming!) [2]: gopher://zlg.space/0/articles/Software/adhering-to-rfc1436-gopher.txt