Subj : Please add To : Ross Cassell From : Frank Linhares Date : Sat Aug 22 2009 12:34 am Can you please add the following.... ---start--- Message received ... Echo added ... FLASHTERM Flashterm Support Echo Support and Announcement echo for the flash based telnet client FlashTerm. More information on FlashTerm can be obtained by visiting Status: Active Origin: 1:250/501 Group: FIDO Distribution: All backbones Gateways: Language: # Nodes: N/A Volume: 10/mo Rules: Flags: Notes: Moderators: Frank Linhares, 1:250/501, Last changed: 21-Aug-2009 by Frank Linhares, 1:250/501 ---end--- Thank You |08[|07=|15! frank |07aka |15netsurge |08[|07=|15! diskshop bbs |08. |15http/ftp/nntp/telnet |08. | |08[|07=|15! |08. |15where all the cool kids hang out --- SBBSecho 2.12-Linux * Origin: >> diskshop >> >> http.telnet.nntp (1:250/501) .