Subj : Updated BACKSTAT.NA To : All From : The North American Backbone Date : Sun Mar 23 2008 07:55 pm North American Backbone - Status and Changes ============================================== BACKSTAT.NA March 23, 2008 BACKSTAT.NA is a status report prepared by the North American Backbone Robot. It is distributed in the BACKBONE file echo and posted in the Z1_BACKBONE echo. It summarizes BACKBONE additions, deletions and requests, as well as North American Backbone contacts. Further information about the North American Backbone's distribution system can be found in the BOFAQ (North American Backbone Frequently Asked Questions) file which is updated as required. ============================================================================ 1. Recent Additions to BACKBONE.NA (Since last revision on Mar 03, 2008) ============================================================================ CATS_MEOW Topic: The Cats_Meow Sanity Check Echo Moderators: Janis Kracht, 1:261/38 Carol Shenkenberger, 1:275/100 Requested: March 23, 2008 LIVE_AUDIO Topic: Sound reinforcement tools & techniques Moderators: Richard Webb, 1:116/901 Requested: March 20, 2008 ============================================================================ 2. Recent Additions to BACKBONE.INT ============================================================================ None ============================================================================ 3. Dropped from BACKBONE.NA/INT into BACKBONE.NO ============================================================================ None ============================================================================ 4. Terminology ============================================================================ [BACKBONE.NA] Roster of message echoes available on The North American Backbone. New Copy Hatched This Release? = [X] Yes [ ] No [BACKBONE.INT] Roster of message echoes available on The North American Backbone, reported to be gated into Newsgroups, Usenet or Message Lists. Echoes listed here are still listed in BACKBONE.NA. New Copy Hatched This Release? = [ ] Yes [X] No [BACKBONE.NO] Roster of message echoes available on The North American Backbone, that were at one time listed in BACKBONE.NA but no longer have any coherent activity or any activity at all. New Copy Hatched This Release? = [ ] Yes [X] No ============================================================================ 5. Resources ============================================================================ Z1_BACKBONE Echo * View Backbone Files Online * Request Echoes To Be Backboned ============================================================================ 6. Who's Who in The North American Backbone ============================================================================ NAB 1:1/20 Zone Hubs: Western Star Brenda Donovan 1:10/3 Eastern Star Ross Cassell 1:123/500 NorthWest Star Bob Seaborn 1:140/1 Filegate Janis Kracht 1:261/38 ============================================================================ -o- --- * Origin: The Eastern Star Mail Hub (1:123/500) .