Subj : Ha! To : Richard Steiner From : mark lewis Date : Tue Mar 29 2005 03:17 pm ML>> RS> Put a DEVICE=X:\OS2\MDOS\ANSI.SYS statement in CONFIG.SYS! ML>> ML>> yup, that's one way... the other is to add them to the "master" DOS ML>> task... "master" DOS task being the default one created when OS/2 ML>> is/was installed.. RS> I've done that before, but I don't remember where those are RS> anymore... on my Warp 3 box, they are in "OS2 System"->"command prompts" and i have shadows of them in the launch panel or whatever it is called... ML>> RS> It took me over 12 years to figure that one out... Sad. ;-) ML>> ML>> OMG! why didn't you ask?? RS> I'd worked around it. Most of the time I'm launching specific RS> programs directly from 4OS2, i use that one, too! RS> so I never see the prompt, and even when I launch a RS> dedicated fullscreen VDM I'm usually in QuikMenu or RS> something. i have had to use HSTART for some things... one of the things that it can do is to read driver and setting info from a config file... i use it to start my DOS bbs from my OS/2 mailer... i do not load VX00 in all my tasks... only those that need access to the fossil ports so i load it in the config for each node... i can run up to 255 nodes at once but haven't ever really gone more than 6 or 7 at any one time... ML>>Did you know that you can also "load them high" in the individual ML>>sessions ic? ML>> ML>>settings notebook->session->DOS settings button->dos_device ML>> ML>> SIZE=0 C:\TCPIP\BIN\VDOSTCP.SYS ML>> SIZE=0 C:\OS2\MDOS\ANSI.SYS ML>> SIZE=0 C:\SIO\VX00.SYS RS> Not sure if I knew about that one or not. Probably not. i forget where i saw it but i did and remembered it for use here... ML>>seems that that last line is what you just discovered ;) RS> Yes. Online help? That's a concept. ;-) no, not the online help... the description of the item in the settings notebook for the task i was editing the setting for ;) )\/(ark * Origin: (1:3634/12) .