Subj : Newbie here To : Donna Simonds From : Sean Dennis Date : Fri Sep 29 2006 12:23 am Donna Simonds wrote in a message to All: DS> To all on this area: Welcome. :) DS> Sorry to get off subject here, but with all the WindowZ problems DS> this so much more stable and stays connected to the RV resort wi-fi DS> better than my windows laptop. Nah, you're not off-topic. We understand what you mean. If you're having problems with Max, you can try here or in the MUFFIN echo (the Maximus support echo). I used to run Max - I still have my installation on my hard drive - and many others in here either run or used to run Maximus, so you're in good company. Oh, I guess I should officially welcome you to the echo since I'm the moderator. Feel free to pepper us with questions: we ALL would love some traffic in here. All these years of experience and we would love to share (right, guys and gals?). Later, Sean OS2BBS Moderator When There's Traffic(tm) // | Blog: | ICQ: 19965647 --- timEd/2 1.10.y2k+ * Origin: Outpost BBS -- -- Johnson City, TN (1:18/200) .