Subj : Binkleyterm 2.60/2 To : Andrew Leary From : Michael Balcos Date : Fri May 26 2006 09:07 am AL> BinkleyTerm by default expects that your primary address (first Address AL> keyword in Binkley.Cfg) is listed in the compiled AL> nodelist. To accomplish this, you can either use a V7 AL> nodelist editor program such as BONK to add the entry Thanks for the help. At last, it is running. :) I have a new problem. I need spawnbbs.cmd to run maximus. My problem is I can't pass the log filenames and the node numbers for my multinode Maximus setup. Node 1 uses max1.log, node 2 uses max2.log, etc. How can I solve this? :( --- Maximus/2 3.01 * Origin: COMM Port OS/2 (281) 980-9671 (1:106/2000) .