Subj : Re: Creating a zero-byte semaphore file To : Sean Dennis From : Alan Ianson Date : Thu Jan 12 2006 06:41 pm Sean Dennis wrote to Alan Ianson: SD> AI> I used to do this with "TYPE NULL >>d:\bt\flags\, or SD> AI> something thereabouts.. SD> SD> Still get that "file not found" error... Oops, I forgot the closing quote. I used TYPE NULL >>somefile.ext IIRC but I don't have an os2 machine handy here to try it out. I use touch somefile.txt on linux but I'm not sure if that would work on os2 or not. Ttyl :-), Al .... Politics is the entertainment branch of industry --- MBSE BBS v0.83.7 (GNU/Linux-x86_64) * Origin: The Rusty MailBox - Penticton, B.C. Canada - (1:153/757) .