Subj : FastLst 2.02 To : Vince Coen From : Gord Hannah Date : Sat Jul 28 2001 12:51 am Replying to a message from Vince Coen 2:257/609 to Bob Jones, About FastLst 2.02, On Wed Jul 25 2001 BJ>> Is version 2.02 the latest? VC>> One I have source code for is v2.01 VC> V2.01 is avail in source. If you have a problem locating local to VC> you let me know and I will send you a copy. Please send me both of the above via email thanks Vince Hope this helps. Keep us posted. We are a fine board trying to make it better. Cheers! Gord -=Team OS/2=- --- timEd/2 1.10.y2k+ * Origin: Marsh BBS (c) [Dawson Creek BC Canada] 1-250-786-7921 (1:17/23.1) .