Subj : FastLst 2.02 To : Bob Jones From : Mike Luther Date : Sat Jul 21 2001 05:43 pm Bob .. BJ> I've been using QNode. I'm looking for something that BJ> will allow me to compile newer options, such as IP and BJ> DNS information into the compiled nodelist, so that I BJ> can have binkley "dial out" on VModem ports in BJ> addition to handling POTS traffic. Likewise. BJ> Any comments or ideas? Yes. On the list of some-day-over-the-rainbow, is a utility that could take the ASCI version of the NodeLists and simply parse it looking for the magic byte patterns. When it came to that .. I'd simply plug it the way needed for Qnode etc... If I recall this all right when I was thinking about it, I either had to prang the NodeList to make it work with Ray's SIO easily, or, I had to convice Ray that he should modify VMODEM to accept a "-" mark as a "." mark,or, I had to somehow get the FTSC to let us modify the NodeList formula so that we could carry the "." mark directly in the thing for the purpose. Of course if that got done, then what would it break as to the NodeList compilers out there. I was playing with BBBS as well here when I was putting up TELNET for test purposes on 1:117/3001. It has its own NodeList compiler tool. To drive it you use an ASCI text file as well, per my memory. When I was playing with it, I simply went in and hand edited the NodeList with a file editor. Then I let it compile it. I found out that some NodeList compilers keep a CRC checksum on the final source for the thing and what it produces. They would tell me that there was a CRC error in the NodeList when I hand edited it! But it never seemed to make any difference and ran anyway both in BINK/MAX and BBBS here. So I wound up thinking how to patch this or that... By the way. In setting up this whole affair on Windows 9x and 2K or ME, I fergit now .. I wound up using COMIP for the TELNET shim. It can, if my memory is correct, handle the "-" convention as a dialing convention for the TELNET work! Thus, I think the nicest solution would be if Ray would cooperate. To thata extent, I wrote him an Email suggesting it. Never heard back. However,there was a period of time there when I think he was sulking over IBM's treatment of him (like others?). I paid for a couple more instances of SIO for other sites. It took a while to get them. Then, shortly after than,suddenly he began working on SIO's next version again. It may be he will think about this now... Your thoughts? --> Sleep well; OS/2's still awake! ;) Mike @ 1:117/3001 --- Maximus/2 3.01 * Origin: Ziplog Public Port (1:117/3001) .