Subj : Win 7 drive map problem To : Tommi Koivula From : mark lewis Date : Wed Jan 02 2019 12:36 pm On 2019 Jan 02 17:09:26, you wrote to Mike Powell: TB>> =##= Ende "backup_mbox01" =##= MP>>> This is great! :) TB>> Common practice to backup in the BSD-World. TK> I have no rsync daemon installed in OS/2, I'm just running the rsync client TK> from OS/2 batch file: that what i did, too... threw everything over onto my linux box that has a much larger drive in it... i used a script file like this which i fired off as shadowsync c d e f g h yes, it is very much based on 4DOS/4OS2 scripting features... full logging of the script and rsync's actions with the logs split between each drive specified on the command line... logs are rotated backing up the last 9 to the logs/ directory... the latest log is in the same directory where the script is located... yes, all output is TEE'd so you can see it while it runs and is logged... yes, i also broke a cardinal rule by having the password and exclusion files in my rsync bin/ directory... it was just easier that way...the .pass file contains just the password used by the script for that one remote machine... each of the exclusion files are one directory, filename, or wildcard filename per line... if you need different passwords for different remote rsync servers, just copy the script to a new name and create the needed matching .pass and ..exclude_* files... matching being to the script's name, of course... example exclude file: shadowsync.exclude_c /DMISL/ /SWAP/*.4SW /SWAPPER.DAT LOG0001.DAT ==== Begin "shadowsync.cmd" ==== @echo off setlocal set BASE_DIR=d:\os2progs\rsync set SCR_NAME=%@UPPER[%@NAME[%0]] set FNAMEBASE=%@LOWER[%SCR_NAME%] set DD= JanFebMarAprMayJunJulAugSepOctNovDec if '%1' EQ '' goto help set RSYNC_PARMS=-hia --no-g --no-o --protocol=30 --progress --stats --delete --password-file=%BASE_DIR%\bin\%FNAMEBASE%.pass goto execute :do_mydate set DY=%_DOW %_DAY %@SUBSTR[%DD,%@EVAL[%_MONTH * 3],3] %_YEAR iff '%MYFLAG' eq '' then set MYDATE= %@FORMAT[02.2,%_DAY]-%@SUBSTR[%DD,%@EVAL[%_MONTH*3],3]-%_YEAR %_TIME %SCR_NAME.CMD: else set MYDATE=%MYFLAG %@FORMAT[02.2,%_DAY]-%@SUBSTR[%DD,%@EVAL[%_MONTH*3],3]-%_YEAR %_TIME %SCR_NAME.CMD: endiff return :execute rem check our parameter is within the allowed range if %@LOWER['%1'] NE 'c' .and. %@LOWER['%1'] NE 'd' .and. %@LOWER['%1'] NE 'e' ..and. %@LOWER['%1'] NE 'f' .and. %@LOWER['%1'] NE 'g' .and. %@LOWER['%1'] NE 'h' goto help1 rem get our parameter and set the log file name set PARM1=%@LOWER[%1] set ARCLOG=%BASE_DIR\LOGS\%FNAMEBASE%_%PARM1 set SLOG=%BASE_DIR\%FNAMEBASE%_%PARM1 set SLOGS=TEE /A %SLOG%.log pushd %BASE_DIR iff exist %ARCLOG%9.log then echo Delete existing %ARCLOG%9.log del /y /q %ARCLOG%9.log endiff for %Z in (8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1) do ( iff exist %ARCLOG%%%Z.log then echo Renaming %ARCLOG%%%Z.log to %ARCLOG%%@EVAL[%Z+1].log ren /q %ARCLOG%%%Z.log %ARCLOG%%@EVAL[%Z+1].log endiff ) iff exist %SLOG%.log then echo Renaming %SLOG%.log to %ARCLOG%1.log ren /q %SLOG%.log %ARCLOG%1.log endiff echo. 2>&1 | %SLOGS gosub do_mydate echo %MYDATE [051] process executing 2>&1 | %SLOGS gosub do_mydate echo %MYDATE [053] PARM1 is '%PARM1' 2>&1 | %SLOGS gosub do_mydate echo %MYDATE [055] SLOG is '%SLOG' 2>&1 | %SLOGS gosub do_mydate echo %MYDATE [060] rsync version 2>&1 | %SLOGS echo ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ bin\rsync --version 2>&1 | %SLOGS echo ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ echo. 2>&1 | %SLOGS timer 2>&1 | %SLOGS echo. 2>&1 | %SLOGS set RSYNCCMD=bin\rsync %RSYNC_PARMS --exclude-from=%BASE_DIR\bin\%FNAMEBASE.exclude_%PARM1 %PARM1:/ USER@MACHINE::REMOTE_DIR/%PARM1 gosub do_mydate echo %MYDATE [069] ********** working on %PARM1 ********** 2>&1 | %SLOGS gosub do_mydate echo %MYDATE [071] %RSYNCCMD 2>&1 | %SLOGS echo. 2>&1 | %SLOGS rem goto jump %RSYNCCMD 2>&1 | %SLOGS :jump echo. 2>&1 | %SLOGS gosub do_mydate echo %MYDATE [079] ********** work on %PARM1 is done ********** 2>&1 | %SLOGS echo. 2>&1 | %SLOGS timer 2>&1 | %SLOGS echo. 2>&1 | %SLOGS echo %MYDATE [083] ********** process complete ********** 2>&1 | %SLOGS popd shift if '%1' NE '' goto execute goto end :help1 echo. echo parameter '%1' is invalid... :help echo. echo you must specify the drive or drives to work on... echo. echo eg: %SCR_NAME c d e echo. goto end :end endlocal ==== End "shadowsync.cmd" ==== )\/(ark Always Mount a Scratch Monkey Do you manage your own servers? If you are not running an IDS/IPS yer doin' it wrong... .... Why do they call it a TV set when you only get one? --- * Origin: (1:3634/12.73) .