Subj : filebase To : All From : Sean Dennis Date : Sun Jan 11 2015 03:17 pm Hello, All. I've downloaded Pete Norloff's BBS' filebase in its entirety: all 10GB (compressed) of it. The filebase covers 16 years of files from 1990-2006. I am working on getting it hosted on a torrent server for easy download, but if any of you are interested, please netmail or email (sdennis72 at gmail) me to arrange a connection. I'm speaking to my webhost to obtain permission to host such a large file on my hosting service. I have unlimited storage and bandwidth but I'd rather not abuse my privileges (sp?). Later, Sean .... Actually, it's not replying that takes time, it's choosing a tagline. --- GoldED/2 3.0.1 * Origin: Outpost BBS * Johnson City, TN * (1:18/200) .