Subj : proposed new nodelist To : mark lewis From : Jasen Betts Date : Sat Aug 17 2002 09:41 pm JB>> You can't just "absolute" them over each other because then JB>> reading one would erase the next... ml> i understand that... its the concept... explain the concept then. that code snip is from one ml> of my PKT analyzers... it hops between the different ones ml> searching for the one that has the least amount of "garbage" in ml> the fields so as to determine what PKT type (2, 2.0, 2+) is being ml> used.. right, a sort of fuzzy-logic (if you'll excuse the buzz-word) pattern matching ml>>> understand but also hear others "screaming" about the ml>>> "bulkiness" and duplication of the data... that has always been ml>>> a bitch... "the nodelist is too large. why can't we cut it down ml>>> in physical size? JB>> size doesn't really worry me... sure whn it was 3 megs it took JB>> about 20% of my hard space to edit it (for a friend with an amiga JB>> who didn't have enough ram - neither did I but wordstar doesn't JB>> need big ram to edit a big file) ml> right but it does (still) bother many... this network is dropping ml> folk all the time... the ones who are left are many of our older ml> members... there will come a time when the average age of a ml> fidonet sysop is >50... i suspect that its close to that now if ml> not already more.. there seemz to bemore young people outside of zone 1. ml>>> true but it'll still build out to be a line once you get to the ml>>> line terminator.. JB>> depends how you code the reading... ml> EOL is EOL is EOL, no matter how you code it... I guess I didn't understand what you meant by "build out to be a line" JB>>>> 255?, that short? why? ml>>> ummm, turbo pascal is still used by many newbie (and long time) ml>>> developers... not to mention that there are even bbs message ml>>> base formats built on that particular limit... the HMB ml>>> MSGTXT.BBS file is one such... nothing but rows of strings.. JB>> so pascal programmer will have to treat a long-line file as lines JB>> containing fileds rather than just a bunch of strings, ml> can't! can't read lines/strings longer then 255 characters by ml> default... can only do so with 'outside' code, not stuff already ml> existing in all languages.. Name one general purpose language that can't handle lines longer than 255 characters witout using external procedures. JB>> as soon as they decide to they can ignore a line they can do JB>> READLN; and they'll be at the next line. ml> won't work on lines greater then 255 characters... definitely not ml> for a new coder with the free TP 5.5 from borland's site.. New coders? program longlines; procedure readfield (var f:text;var s:string); var c:char; b:byte; begin b:=0; if not eoln(f) then repeat read(f,c); if (c <> ',') and (b < 255) then begin inc(b); s[b]:=c; end until eoln(f) or (c = ','); s[0]:=char(b) end; var nl:text; master,number,what,where,who,sysflags,ctype,caddr,cflags:string; c:integer; begin assign(nl,'nodelis2.'); reset(nl); while not eof(nl) do begin readfield(nl,master); readfield(nl,number); readfield(nl,what); readfield(nl,where); readfield(nl,who); readfield(nl,sysflags); writeln (master:6,number:6,what:15,where:20,who:20,sysflags); c:=1; while not eoln(nl) do begin readfield(nl,ctype); readfield(nl,caddr); readfield(nl,cflags); writeln(' (',c,') ',ctype:6,' ',caddr:-30,' ',cflags ); inc(c); end; readln(nl); end end. JB>> they'll have to use a "readfield" procedure for getting the data JB>> from the file into strings but that shouldn't be a big hassle, JB>> they only need to write it once, and can use it for all fields. JB>> if done using the ttextrec object (actually not "ttextrec", but JB>> that's the naem in the online help) it needn't mean yhe JB>> inefficinet practice of repeatedly reading a single character JB>> searching for a comma.) ml> ahhh... i see (now) that you are also thinking in OOP style ml> coding... i haven't been... i'm a procedural type of guy.. The above avample doesn't use any OO stuff, messing with textrec seems to require assembler code (I don't have propper docs or example code so I've stopped looking at that. JB>>>> yeah 255 is pretty cramped, way too short for my proposal. JB>>>> Probably fewer than 10 rulesets would suffice for 99% of JB>>>> fidonet ml>>> agreed... and my thoughts are that they'd likely be coded in the ml>>> program and this reside in the .EXE (to use dos think for a ml>>> moment).. JB>> could be, but that makes upgrades hard on the bandwidth unless JB>> external rulesets can be used too. ml> what bandwidth? we're talking about a small tool that should be ml> less than 50k... but has to run on half a dozen different operating systems... are you going to distribute binaries for all of them? allowing for external rulesets also opens the ml> door for someone to screw something up.. It also allows for someone to fix something. -=> Bye <=- --- * Origin: Misery loves company, but company does not reciprocat (3:640/531.42) .