Subj : proposed new nodelist To : Jasen Betts From : mark lewis Date : Wed Jul 24 2002 06:33 pm ml>>>> a piece of data between them was very easy for me... another ml>>>> term would be database of databases < JB>>> once you go ro 5NF every filed is optional or may be repeated ml>> ^^^^^^ hunh??? JB>>> any numbrer of times (except the key field)... JB> To fifth normal form (might be fourth normal form), It's been JB> a while since I studued that stuff... oh... can't say that i've ever heard the term... ml>>>> not sure of the reference... i was thinking of keeping ml>>>> the POTS data the same and building from there.. JB>>> why keep pots? ml>> why eliminate existing technology? what would be done if ml>> something happened to the internet and it collapsed? POTS ml>> will still be around for many years to come.. JB> What I meant was why keep pots in all the records when a JB> large number of nodes don't use it. ya don't! the first line contains all the data necessary for the node information... if the node has no POTS capabilities, then there is no POTS row... i was just starting all my examples with POTS and then putting in the deviations after but the entries for a node could surely have a IP row first and then the POTS next... JB>>>>> why not, it's not exaclty hard, if we're smart we'll be JB>>>>> able to co-opt some freeware SGML or XML (etc) parsing JB>>>>> library to the task (LGPL allows use if the library in JB>>>>> commercial code) ml>>>> understood but why? what is wrong with using a fixed ml>>>> format that is extensible? JB> why noty use the extensions to reduce size of the fixed JB> component to the essentials. i just see no need to go to that level... plain ASCII text is fine and we don't really need to go adding 's to everything, do we? ml>> then you loose the placeholders... they are needed if ml>> they are the first row for that entry, too.. JB> what I meant was by putting POTS into the extension JB> there's no need for empty fields, on non-pots systems. won't be any empty fields, i don't believe... ml>> that's actually a normal part of fido mailer ml>> communications... JB> That's good. ml>> that's true... but i do rather kinda like my idea of adding a ml>> leading field that contains the connection type that the row ml>> refers to... that would also make it hugely easier to create ml>> oldstyle nodelist that contain just POTS info or IP info only.. JB> The type flag would make the softwar emuch easier to write, JB> and yeah the program could probably be written fairly easily. yup and with hardcoded settings for those nodes that don't carry needed info... JB>>> There remains the question of system flags (flags that arent JB>>> capability flags like " NEC ") do they go on all lines or are JB>>> they autmatically duplicated somehow. ml>> automatically carried just like the rest of the data... its a ml>> "trickle down" type flow... if there are 10 fields in the first ml>> row and the second row only has data in fields 5 and 9 then those ml>> are the only two fields changed in the row generated from the data ml>> in the first row.. JB> if is there's a flag on the first row that you don't want on JB> the second row, what do you do... redefine that flag sequence on the subsequent row(s) JB> put it last on the fisrs row and use fewer commas on JB> the second row? (could work but could trap many programmers) no, the flags section is a comma seperated list just like the row... kinda like an OOP object as a data item in another OOP object... JB>>>>> I want to see a format that can handle any concievable method JB>>>>> of moving fido mail... even sneakernet. - disk format(s), JB>>>>> street address, contact name, room number, hours etc :) ml>>> <<>>> believe it or not, i know some systems that used to ml>>> get their fidofix via snailmailed tapebackups.. JB> My boss node just admitted that he carries echomail accross JB> the room on a floppy disk, from his internet machine to the JB> BBS. He's going on a motorbike trip so I the flow may bet a JB> bit lumpy as Hell only b able to poll his uplink where He JB> can find somewhere to plug his laptop in.. hehe... yup, sneakernetting has been done for many many years and most don't even know they are doing it <> ml>> fidonet has been moved via many different methods... ml>> radio broadcast, snailmail, DAT tape, QIC tape, VHS tape, morse ml>> code, and i'm sure that there are many other means.. JB> Some jokers invented IP via carrier pidgeon, and it was tested JB> and found to work, throughput wasn't real impressive though. JB> if you're interested I'll try and dig up the RFC number. hahahahahahahaha... i've seen it! now that's a memory! throughput? what's that? the data gets to the destination, right? hehehehehehe... )\/(ark * Origin: (1:3634/12) --- SBBSecho/Win32 v2.00 * Origin: Baddog BBS (1:218/903) .