Subj : XML To : Jan Vermeulen From : Scott Little Date : Tue Jan 07 2003 07:19 pm [ 06 Jan 03 21:46, Jan Vermeulen wrote to Scott Little ] sl>> Time limits? JV> Would you read last week's paper? We already do. Segments are released upto and including 6 days before issue, to allow time for it to filter up the chain, across zones, and then finally compiled and issued by each ZC on Friday. If you want hard realtime data, you need a persistent database and a way of replicating changes. This is also do-able. Possibly an option we can explore with XML (since we're rewriting the rules anyway). An XML processor could inject/obtain mini-diffs (single-node updates) to/from standard netmail, or even echomail, as they are made. Changes to a node will propogate in minutes among IP nodes, and a day or three for the rest. -- Scott Little [fidonet#3:712/848 /] --- FMail/Win32 1.60+ * Origin: Cyberia: All your msgbase are belong to us! (3:712/848) .