Subj : Net Development To : Scott Little From : Bill Birrell Date : Fri Jan 03 2003 11:23 pm Hi Scott, > I would say forever. NODELIST and NODEDIFF file echos > will always carry SLF, and will always have someone > hatch SLF versions into it. I already said "just do it!" Now another: "Talk is cheap." Get on with it! Produce a specimen list of software available for nodes and points, please. The list should include mailers or BBS or both which can use either IP or FTS protocols or both on one phone line. Also it should include nodelist compilers, echomail processors, mail readers and point software. At least one complete system should be freeware. If you can get general agreement on the list of things required, it should not be too hard to develop these into outline specifications, then program specifications, then black boxes or beans, then programs. Best Wishes, Bill. --- * Origin: Escan BBS (2:25/200) .