Subj : Number of BBSes? To : Rick Van Ruth From : Frank Vest Date : Fri Jan 03 2003 07:26 pm On (04 Jan 03) Rick Van Ruth wrote to Frank Vest... Hello Rick, RV> JV>> The difference is very little, Rick. I've not said that real RV> JV>> BBSes do not exist anymore, only that I did not know their RV> _number_ JV>> and would like to know that. FV> Me - 1 FV> Next? :) RV> Perhaps something is needed to denote BBS's in the nodelist, MO does RV> not really seem to be doing the job. Yeah, I also have always run a RV> BBS, without it I wouldn't bother being in any ftn. As is so commonly argued.... The Fidonet Nodelist is a list of connection information, not a BBS list. <> Let's not go into this too deep. I don't want another thread like in FTSC_PUBLIC with David. :) Not accusing you of doing such a thing. Regards, Frank --- PPoint 3.01 * Origin: Holy Cow! I'm A Point!! (1:124/6308.1) .