Subj : Retro is the New Neo (Again) : Retro and Smol Tools for the Text Tinker To : All From : Syber Shock Date : Sat Jul 01 2023 10:11 am XPost: alt.folklore.computers, alt.cypherpunks, alt.bbs.synchronet XPost: comp.infosystems.gemini, alt.bbs Retro is the New Neo (Again) : Retro and Smol Tools for the Text Tinker Train # TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. Usenet : 2. Bitmessage : 3. NovaBBS / Rocksolid Light : 4. Tildeverse : 5. DarkMX : 6. RetroShare : 7. Citadel BBS Groupware : 8. BBS (Bulletin Board System) : 9. Toot (Mastodon) : # INTRODUCTION I enjoy reading from old-school text protocols like Usenet, IRC, FidoNet, and even the modern flood forum, Bitmessage. Some people have recently shared some ideas about doing new things in old ways with old-timey or retro methods where text is tops, and characters are king. They have put their ideas on the wire in the form of work product and I find it inspiring. In this article is some information about a few communities and tools for mostly text-centric information sharing (with some file-sharing included). # Usenet : Of course Usenet is the #1 retro community for dropping ideas on the wire. If the reader is unfamiliar with Usenet, think of it as your grandpa's Internet, only better. Imagine an Internet that worked only because grandpa had to hand-crank a generator to push electrons uphill both ways in eight feet of snow on the way to the post office. Usenet is useful for sharing text and binary files. Its original design is text-centric but binary files can be encoded as text or attachments and forwarded on the network. Many people around the world still depend on Usenet to share files and have raging arguments over miniscule disagreements. These arguments are sometimes called, 'flame wars.' The following link points to a list of Usenet servers that are free to use. Usenet Free Servers List : # Bitmessage : Although a newer text messaging protocol, Bitmessage sports a solid 'retro' aesthetic. It still runs like a champ using the deprecated programming language, Python2. Bitmessage works like an encrypted Usenet with much shorter article retention time. It provides secret channels which are like private, encrypted newsgroups that the user creates instead of asking a sysop to create a group. The Bitmessage web site says: "Bitmessage is a P2P communications protocol used to send encrypted messages to another person or to many subscribers. It is decentralized and trustless, meaning that you need-not inherently trust any entities like root certificate authorities. It uses strong authentication which means that the sender of a message cannot be spoofed, and it aims to hide "non-content" data, like the sender and receiver of messages, from passive eavesdroppers like those running warrantless wiretapping programs." Redneck translation: Only the Almighty can crack your encrypted messages. Everyone else is wasting their time trying to spy on this network. Your mails are safe, Bubba. # NovaBBS / Rocksolid Light : Rocksolid Light is a text-based forum based on the NNTP protocol. It uses a NNTP server backend to serve a forum website. The forums can be accessed via a web browser or using a NNTP client such as Thunderbird, Pan, Sylpheed, or Claws-Mail. NovaBBS also synchronizes with a bulletin board service, or BBS, which are explained later in this document. Rocksolid Light peers can link independent forums together for a decentralized network similar to Usenet and they can peer directly with Usenet servers. Each forum topic corresponds to a NNTP newsgroup in dedicated News reader applications. Rocksolid Light Source Code: # Tildeverse: Users on the Tildeverse tend to enjoy text-centric 'smolnet' applications such as IRC, NNTP, gopher, gemini, and spartan. The Tildeverse site says: "we're a loose association of like-minded tilde communities. if you're interested in learning about *nix (linux, unix, bsd, etc) come check out our member tildes and sign up! tildes are pubnixes in the spirit of, which was created in 2014 by paul ford." # DarkMX: One old community that provided millions of users with file-sharing and anonymous messaging and publication was WinMX. DarkMX is the successor to the WinMX network. DarkMX is a peer-to-peer network that works over a onion network. It is a continuation of the original WinMX but with encrypted and anonymous traffic. It has text chat built-in. The DarkMX interface is a miracle of material design for user experience. The DarkMX site says: "DarkMX is a new decentralized communication app that utilizes Tor hidden services to allow you to easily have an anonymous, reliable, and censorship-resistant presence on the internet. You can chat. You can share files. You can search other people's files. You can keep a contact list and send private messages to your friends. You can create your own custom .onion site, available to anyone with a Tor Browser." WinMX (DarkMX predecessor): # RetroShare : RetroShare is a F2F (friend-to-friend) network. It is decentralized and secure. It enables users to connect privately to their friends and work associates in a secure environment over the hostile Internet panopticon. The RetroShare site says: "Connect with Friends and Family. Retroshare establish[es] encrypted connections between you and your friends to create a network of computers, and provides various distributed services on top of it: forums, channels, chat, mail... Retroshare is fully decentralized, and designed to provide maximum security and anonymity to its users beyond direct friends. Retroshare is entirely free and open-source software. It is available on Android, Linux, MacOS and Windows. There are no hidden costs, no ads and no terms of service." # Citadel BBS Groupware : Citadel is a 'all-in-one' package of communication protocols that grew out of the BBS scene into a groupware suite. In addition to modern graphical paradigms and interfaces, Citadel retains a retro BBS front end. The Citadel site says: "Citadel is groupware with BBS roots, so it's no surprise that Citadel still offers a traditional text-based BBS front end." Wikipedia says: "Citadel (originally referred to as "Citadel/UX" to disambiguate it from other implementations) is a collaboration suite (messaging and groupware) that is directly descended from the Citadel family of programs which became popular in the 1980s and 1990s as a bulletin board system platform. It is designed to run on open source operating systems such as Linux or BSD. Although it is being used for many bulletin board systems, in 1998 the developers began to expand its functionality to a general purpose groupware platform." "In order to modernize the Citadel platform for the Internet, the Citadel developers added functionality such as shared calendars, instant messaging, and built-in implementations of Internet protocols such as SMTP, IMAP, Sieve, POP3, GroupDAV and XMPP. All protocols offer OpenSSL encryption for additional security." [Wikipedia] The Citadel site says: "Email, collaboration, groupware, and content management - up and running in minutes, on your own hardware or in the cloud. ... Citadel is easy, versatile, and powerful, thanks to its exclusive "rooms" based architecture. No other platform seamlessly combines so many different features using this familiar and consistent metaphor." "Groupware/BBS Style Services - Addressbook, Calendar/Scheduling, Filestorage, Notes, Tasks, Wiki, Blog, XMPP/Jabber." Citadel maintains a uncensored BBS you can test: # BBS (Bulletin Board System) : A BBS (Bulletin Board System) is an early predecessor of the Internet and sibling of Network News or Usenet. For decades before the Internet became widespread individual bulletin boards would accept dial-up calls over modems from client computers. Each day the BBS would then dial other BBSes and exchange mail and files with them, and forward Network News messages. Many BBSes interoperated with Usenet to forward messages. Hundreds of BBSes still operate today over the Internet. And a few BBSes still accept dial-up modem connections and some of these are capable of packet radio data transfers, which is similar to using a CB radio to transmit text data between computers. Existing BBSes carry and relay messages for several retro networks, from DOVEnet and FIDOnet to Usenet. Users interact and read their mail and download files with telnet clients such as Putty or via a terminal emulator. Some BBSes let users log in with a modern web browser and a forum-like interface. # Toot (Mastodon) : Toot is a TUI (Test User Interface) front end for the Mastodon social network. Although Mastodon is neither retro nor text-centric in general practice or design, the Toot application interface is very retro and text-centric. With Toot the user can engage on Mastodon in plain text with a very lean, fast, and well-organized interface. Using Toot allows the user to avoid the clutter and flood of distracting images that are found when using Mastodon in a web browser. Toot source code: # CONCLUSION These successful networks, protocols, and applications began as small ideas that grew into big concerns despite user interfaces that were mostly text-centric rather than ostentatiously graphical like the modern web. Some of the ancient or 'retro' networks, tools, and trick trains are still chugging along, offering an alternative to the panopticon of social media and centralized messaging services. Almost every digital technologist and programmer who finds this message likely has some 'little idea' that's been tossing around in the back of the mind. Perhaps the idea is an improvement on existing technology or methods. Perhaps the idea it is a tiny tool that could change the way people think about something, or the way they think about everything. Perhaps it is the next 'big thing' that could change the way people connect and share information. It doesn't really matter what it is. It matters what it is to you, the creator, and what it becomes to those to whom you reveal it. Whatever it is, your idea is work product waiting to happen, urgent to assume form to help and bless someone, somewhere. I want to encourage the tinkerer to create that idea and put it out on the ether. You may not know who might benefit from it. It doesn't matter if you know who benefits. What matters is that you create it and put it into words for others to read and use, and maybe to move the tinker train on down the track. "Cast thy bread upon the waters: for thou shalt find it after many days." ~ Ecclesiastes 11:1 -- SugarBug | --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05 * Origin: Agency HUB, Dunedin - New Zealand | Fido<>Usenet Gateway (3:770/3) .