Subj : Re: Re: No way to import pycurl To : Al From : Chad Adams Date : Sun Mar 05 2023 08:14 pm MSGID: 1:19/40 274BD60C PID: CyberBBS v1.0.10 On 02 Mar 23 03:22:48, Al wrote: A>> Why? My distro (Ubuntu 22.04 server) come withouth python2 I installed it ex A>> post... A> A>My distro also doesnt come with python2 installed any more. It can be installed seapately but of course it is depricated now so there wont be anymore updates. A> A>--- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Toy-6 A> * Origin: The Rusty MailBox - Penticton BC Canada (1:153/757) A> I think most distros have moved to Python3. You can probably still find Python2.7 from repos, though. -Nugax (cbbs) --- CyberBBS v1.0.10 2023/03/05 [Debian Linux/x64] * Origin: CyberBBS WHQ BBS | (1:19/40) .