Subj : Re: Scanned Message Bases To : Alan Ianson From : Mike Dippel Date : Fri Feb 03 2023 05:38 pm On 03 Feb 2023, Alan Ianson said the following... AI> On 03 Feb 2023, Mike Dippel said the following... AI> AI> MD> Is there any way to alphabetize the list of scanned message bases whe AI> MD> user hits the Z key? I am using the option to auto add any new messa AI> MD> bases and hitting Z lists them in the order that they came in. AI> AI> You can tag a range of message areas with the tab key in the message area AI> config, then pressing / will bring up a list of options, one of them is AI> sort. AI> AI> MD> Seems it would be easier to navigate if they were in alphabetical ord AI> AI> Yes, I agree. Another option is the import a or similar list AI> of areas with mutil. OK. I tried the mutil import option, but I can't figure it out. Where does the .NA file have to reside for it to get imported? In the [Import_FIDONET.NA] section, I inputted: filename = netaddress = 21:1/100 acs_list = s10g1 acs_read = s10g1 acs_post = s20g1 acs_sysop = s255g1 header = msghead read_template = ansimrd index_template = ansimlst max_msgs = 0 max_msgs_age = 365 so I could get fsxnet, but running mutil.ini, nothing inputted. I need to do this for other nets as well. Mike Dippel --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A48 (Windows/64) * Origin: Mystic Hobbies BBS (3:712/1321.6) .