Subj : Re: menu/theme mod to direct access to netmail To : Nicola Mettimano From : Jay Harris Date : Sun Sep 04 2022 02:33 pm *** Quoting Nicola Mettimano from a message to Jay Harris *** NM> Yes I know but this way i have to keep netmail base in some group... NM> I would like to remove it from groups, like email, if is possible... Wouldn't you just leave List ACS & Read ACS empty or set to ^? That would mean it's always available regardles of which group you're in. Jay .... What did the sushi say to the bee? Wasabee! --- Telegard v3.09.g2-sp4/mL * Origin: Northern Realms | | 289-424-5180 (1:229/664.1) .