Subj : Re: sending mail failing e-mail validation To : Robert Wolfe From : Phil Taylor Date : Sat Jun 04 2022 01:06 am On 16 May 2022, Robert Wolfe said the following... RW> On 11 May 2022, g00r00 said the following... RW> RW> g0> PT> I have tried every settings even using Mystic Mail server with u RW> g0> PT> and password with no login information and it keeps failing to s RW> g0> PT> the e-mail validation info. RW> g0> RW> g0> Okay thanks for providing your setup. It looks like you're setting RW> g0> Mystic up to connect to its own SMTP server. RW> g0> RW> g0> In order for e-mail to be sent out you have to have access to an RW> g0> external SMTP server from a mail provider, so Mystic can send mail to RW> g0> it. Most people used to use Gmail but I am not sure if Google still RW> g0> allows it for free. RW> RW> Yeah, I actually run my own outbound SMTP server which then connects to RW> a third party SMTP delivery provider which happens to be SMTP2GO. You RW> might want to look into signing up with them as I believe they have a RW> free use option. RW> RW> ... That's not a bug, it's an undocumented feature RW> RW> --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A47 2021/12/25 (Windows/64) RW> * Origin: Powered By Windows Server 2022 (1:116/17) I have everything setup by the docs and could be the issue? Is python used to call the validation script file or how does it work please? I am trying to figure out why it's not working when I tried every possible combination talked about this echo. Thanks Phil --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A47 2021/12/25 (Windows/32) * Origin: (1:275/201) .