Subj : Re: UTF-8 Characters To : g00r00 From : Shaun Buzza Date : Wed Apr 06 2022 09:52 pm g0> SB> Dude! I'm not attacking you, or your software! Relax! (@_@) g0> g0> The mental gymnastics you're putting yourself through to say that I am g0> insulted or accusing you of attacking me throughout this thread is g0> strange. In this case you're responding to a paragraph which I g0> literally included smiley faces. Sir, I was a little too hyper-sensitive when I wrote that. Quite literally, I had just defended myself from a 'troll' immediately before that. And I was worried that I had pissed off another person, when you said "nobody else is complaining about a47". I hope that you understand how much I respect both Mystic and its creator. And I also hope you can forgive me for my faux pas. Sorry, and thanks in advance. McDoob SysOp, PiBBS .... A SQL query walks into a bar and sees two tables. Asks: 'Can I join you?' --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A47 2021/12/24 (Raspberry Pi/32) * Origin: PiBBS (1:229/110) .