Subj : Re: File Listing Header To : Marco R From : g00r00 Date : Mon Feb 21 2022 11:09 am MR> I tried to add a file listing header for a file base but without luck. MR> I entered a name in the field Display File (File Base Editor) without an MR> extension. Then I created some header file and put it in the data dir MR> (and/or text dir). But it is not showing up. Questions are: The Display File field is not a header, its a file that contains whatever you want that is displayed first before listing files in the base. It could give instructions etc. I suppose you could try to use it as a header though. The actual header is either in the prompts editor for the standard file listing or the template file for the full screen file listing. If you set Display File to "test" then it will display text.XXX from the theme's text directory where XXX is ASC, ANS depending on the users terminal and so on. You can read more about how display files work here: .... Operator, give me the number for 911 --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A48 2022/02/15 (Windows/64) * Origin: Sector 7 * Mystic WHQ (1:129/215) .