Subj : Re: Possible bug found To : g00r00 From : Christian Sacks Date : Tue Nov 30 2021 02:26 pm On 29 Nov 2021, g00r00 said the following... g0> CS> I think I may have found a bug but wanted to ask you just in case g0> CS> there's a reason why I see what I see and I didn't realise. g0> CS> g0> CS> I open two connections to my BBS, via SSH and I'm on node#1, via TELN g0> CS> and I'm on node#2. g0> CS> g0> CS> On node#1 my time left says 9718 mins g0> CS> On node#2 my time left says 9972 mins g0> g0> I think this might be more of a side effect of how the time system g0> works, not a g0> g0> bug. In 1995 or so I had no consideration that there would be the same g0> user logged into multiple nodes at the same time, so each node's time g0> left operates independant of the other one. g0> g0> For example: If you log into node 1 with 9000 minutes and wait 10 g0> minutes, you'll have 8990 minutes left node 1. But that time left g0> information isnt saved to the user database until you log off or run an g0> external program. If you then log into node 2 while you're still on g0> node 1, that node will start again with 9000 minutes because the data g0> was never saved. Now you'll have 8990 g0> g0> on node 1 and 9000 on node 2. g0> g0> A similar thing happens when you log off or run a door. If you log off g0> on node g0> g0> 1 with 8990 minutes left it will be saved. But then if you log off g0> right after g0> g0> that on node 2 with 9000 minutes left, that will be saved and it will g0> overwrite g0> g0> the 8990. g0> g0> Hope that helps explain. If you think its not that and something else g0> is happening let me know. Ah yes, perfect. I just tried from no logins, and connecting twice at the same time, and both logged in "me" had the same time left, so it ties in exactly to what you said above. That puts that to bed I guess then, thanks for the help. g0> CS> By default I give the sysop just 9999 mins per day which I know is g0> CS> insane as there's only 1440 mins in a day, but 9999 feels "l33t" lol. g0> g0> You can also turn off the time per day system entirely if you really g0> wanted to but I don't know how that factors into the l33t feels! lol :) Um, no. I want the time per day system, feels more traditional, and yes the l33t factor is honoured by having it :P g0> ... Live every day as though it were your last. One day, you'll be right Deep, hard truth. Hope we all got many decades left. .... Light year: 1/3 less calories than your regular year --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A47 2021/08/10 (Linux/64) * Origin: thE qUAntUm wOrmhOlE, rAmsgAtE, uK. (2:250/5) .