Subj : Re: Message new scan with and without /G? To : Bj”rn Wiberg From : g00r00 Date : Wed Jul 28 2021 11:40 pm BW> Although when I changed the last read date for the MYSTIC echomail area BW> to two days back and performed the global personal scan, MQ (/NOSCAN BW> /NOFOOT /NEW /YOU /LIST /NOREAD) acted up and didn't find anything for BW> some reason. Checked the message list (Read, Forward, scroll to end) and BW> the messages (some of them from you, to me) were correctly flagged as BW> "N" (new), and still MQ didn't find them. Changing the LR date worked When you reset your last scan date it does not reset the flag on each individual message that determines if you read it before or not. The /noread option tells Mystic to ignore messages that have been presented to you once before regardless of what your last read pointer says. In other words Mystic tracks (for each message) whether or not the "To" user has seen the message or not. If you have seen it, Mystic will not show it to you again if /noread is used and your lastread pointer doesn't matter in that case. If you want it to *only* key off of the last read pointers then you should remove the /noread option. Its easy to get lost in all of the options Mystic has for ways to scan. In the long run its a good thing because the scanning in Mystic is super flexible, but it can take a bit to sort through it all. Even I have thought the newscan was bugged and it turned out to be because of /noread in the past (and I created this mess)! That said if you feel its not because of /noread let me know because of course there could always be a bug. BW> Anyway, I posted two test messages in FSX_TST to myself (both to my BW> alias and real name) and that worked just fine; they appeared in both MQ BW> and MN as they should. Great! Thank you for testing it and following up! BW> P.S. The comment in whatsnew.txt suggests that it is /G (the global scan BW> option) that is affected by /YOU, but it really is /P (the personal scan BW> option) that is affected, right? D.S. I think technically it will be both, but you're right it should probably have said personal scan. I'll update that. I haven't really tested all of the scenarios but technically /YOU should work in combination with different modes for MN and MR. I'll need to sort out where it can and can't be used and document it, but feel free to experiment if you want to! For now just assume its only guarenteed to work in the /P scan! .... Honk if you love peace and quiet! --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A47 2021/07/28 (Windows/64) * Origin: Sector 7 * Mystic WHQ (1:129/215) .