Subj : Re: Mis Poll To : Paul Hayton From : g00r00 Date : Tue Nov 17 2020 11:53 am PH> You know how FIDOPOLL is no more.. with that removal had the killbusy PH> -alloption gone for good as well? PH> PH> I did a quick check of A46 that I am currently running and the reported PH> options are Fidopoll still works in A46 its removed in A47. MIS in A47 has all of the options of fidopoll including the killbusy option. It also gives addition information as to what busy files it finds (if any) in A47. --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A47 2020/11/06 (Windows/64) * Origin: Sector 7 | Mystic WHQ (1:129/215) .