Subj : Re: Problems upgrading to a47 To : Michael Batts From : Doug Cooper Date : Wed Oct 21 2020 02:08 am MB> RF> Default file is mainhdr.asc which displays either in ascii or ansi. MB> RF> have a mainhdr.ans file in there and it is not displayed. I renamed MB> RF> mainans.ans and that displays. So what comes with Mystic is mainhdr. MB> RF> and I wanted my own ansi and I created mainhdr.ans and that has been MB> RF> woking til A47. MB> RF> Not sure if that relates to your issue. MB> Try the latest pre-alpha. It should fix your problem. And the latest alpha is kick butt! I'm on it and love it! Now I'm watching daily for g00r00 updates as it seems g00r00's creative mind is working some art :) Glad you got your problems fixed Michael! -tG --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A47 2020/10/20 (Windows/32) * Origin: The Underground [@] <-port (1:227/702) .