Subj : Auto Posting TXT Files To : All From : IB Joe Date : Wed Sep 02 2020 06:06 pm I want to auto post my BBS ad... I had looked through the stalk mutil.ini and found, at least what I though was, the appropriate sections. Cut and pasted said information to a separate file called postad.ini. Ran mutil.exe postad.ini and it failed... Lets walk through this.... [PostTextFiles] ; Total number of text files to be posted. For each file there needs to ; be a file definition as show below. totalfiles = 1 from what I can tell... The number that goes here is the total number of messages being posted.... If I'm posting 1 TXT file into 3 different message bases the totalfiles = 3 The rest of the INI file is as follows.... ; This defines one file which will be posted to the message base. Each ; file should be prefixed with file# where # is a number from 1 to ; totalfiles. ; ; The delfile option (if true) will remove the filename after the message ; is posted. The baseidx is the permanent index of the message base to ; post the message into (shown as Index at the top of the message base ; editor in Mystic's configuration. Address is the echomail destination ; address file1_name = joesad.txt file1_baseidx = 48 file1_from = IB Joe file1_to = All file1_subj = JoesBBS Ad file1_addr = 1:342/201 file1_delfile = false If there are more than one message bases being posted into the part that says file1_???? would be changed to file2_???? and file3_???? and the file?_baseidx = Is the unique number each message base has in Mystic's setup Am I missing something...?? Thanx in advance IB Joe AKA Joe Schweier SysOp of Joe's BBS --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A45 2020/02/18 (Windows/64) * Origin: Joe's BBS (1:342/201) .