Subj : Re: Save game per user for Infocom type games as doors To : nathanael culver From : Todd Yatzook Date : Sat Apr 27 2019 05:13 pm On 24 Apr 2019, nathanael culver said the following... nc> SO> Is there a SIMPLE way to make mystic/netfoss save a users game as a nc> SO> unique file or in a unique folder for each user so they don't over wr nc> nc> I keep all the infocom .DAT files in doors/infocom, and have a general nc> save folder at doors/infocom/save. nc> nc> I have a script which creates a unique folder from the user's ID number, nc> then inside that user's folder a directory with the game name. nc> nc> So if the user has user ID 27: I was actually entertaining that when I first set all this up years ago, but discounted it because BBSes recycle user IDs if/when a user is deleted, or if you have to wipe your user database for some reason, or lose it irrevocably. People pretty much stick to the user name they use everywhere, so there's less of a chance of someone getting someone else's save game by accident. Not that it's a security risk or anything, it's just a hassle (possibly) from the user's end. --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A43 2019/02/23 (Raspberry Pi/32) * Origin: -\- meriden, ct -\- (1:142/799) .