Subj : Murder Motel setup in Mystic... To : All From : Shane O'Neill Date : Fri Apr 19 2019 10:31 pm Anyone have instructions for making Murder Motel door game work with Mystic 1.12 A43? My mystic is running on Windows 7 32bit and it is located on the harddrive at C:\mystic my netfoss is also located at C:\mystic\netfoss My netfoss NF.bat file is as follows: @echo off rem **you can optionally add here** c:\mystic\netfoss\ %1 rem ** If running a non-door32.sys system, add a " %1" to end of above line ** if errorlevel 1 goto end c:\mystic\netfoss\netcom.exe %1 %2 %3 %4 %5 %6 %7 %8 %9 c:\mystic\netfoss\ /u :end I have used the dd command as follows: Command │ (DD) Exec external program Data │ c:\mystic\netfoss\nf.bat /N%3 /H%0 c:\mystic\doors\mm.bat %3 Access │ Execute │ Select My "mm.bat" file under C:\mystic\doors is: @echo off c: cd \mystic\doors\mm mm46 murder.cfg c:\mystic\temp%1\door.sys I have tried with out success leaving the "murder.cfg" un-edited. I have also edited my "murder.cfg" file in the following 2 ways for the door.sys still with no luck: WAY #1: C:\mystic\door.sys Suburban Software Chuck Valecek 9999 60 5 2 WAY #2: C:\mystic\temp%1\door.sys Suburban Software Chuck Valecek 9999 60 5 2 What am I missing? I am still trying to figure out Mystic and doors so sorry for being slow on this but will welcome ANY help!!! Thanks! --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05 * Origin: Agency HUB, Dunedin - New Zealand | Fido<>Usenet Gateway (3:770/3) .