Subj : Re: SMTP server config not sending emails... To : Shane O'Neill From : Michael Braun Date : Thu Jan 17 2019 09:36 am SO> I am running Mystic v1.12 a41 and have configured the SMTP server for my SO> gmail account but when I test it sending email by having the system send SO> me a password reset code it will not. I keep getting "Sending password SO> reset E-mail ... Unable to send E- SO> mail " in Mystic. SO> SO> I have tried every possible SMTP configuration for GMAIL under SERVERS, SO> GENERAL OPTIONS but can not get it to play. My current SMTP settings are SO> as follows: SO> SO> SMTP HOST: SO> SMTP IP TYPE: Default IPV4 SO> SMTP LOGIN: SO> SMTP PASSWORD: ******** SO> SMTP Auth Type: Login SO> SMTP Use SSL/TLS: Forced in smtp host you must type : ______ __ __ | __ \.----.---.-.|__|.-----.-----.--.--.----.| |--.-----.----. | __ <| _| _ || || |__ --| | | __|| <| -__| _| |______/|__| |___._||__||__|__|_____|_____|____||__|__|_____|__| BBS - --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A42 2018/12/27 (Windows/32) * Origin: BBS (2:240/8006) .