Subj : Streaming Service. To : ``MATT MUNSON`` #1@1. From : Benny Pedersen Date : Mon Dec 29 2014 08:15 pm Hello ``MATT! 03 Dec 14 23:37, you wrote to Mark Hofmann: M(>> I used to use some of the metal stations on Winamp, like Chronix M(>> Aggression. Winamp is now gone and there are less streaming M(>> services - probably due to costs. MM> I think Spotify, Rdio or even APple radio is good. here i use just sonos, where all the above works from a single app, i belive that app exists for ios aswell :=) so no need to pay for 3 or more apps on appstore MYMW Benny --- GoldED+/LNX 1.1.5-b20130910 * Origin: me at junc dot org (2:230/0) .