Subj : Hi again... To : Matt Munson From : Steve Kemp Date : Wed Mar 23 2011 02:38 am MM> I guess someone elisted this echo again, so hopefully there will be some MM> more backbone coverage. Anything new happening in music for any of you? HEY MATT! Are you the Mod? I'm always willin' for music discussion, but I needs to know whom the Mod is (and how they be built). Serious, I got kicked off of HERE for saying that I disliked Tori Amos years ago! And I was branded a sexist homophobe by a moderator whom didn't believe in... MM> Personally I scored some tickets to the Kylie Minogue show in Hollywood MM> for May. OMG! --- Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 6.0; en-US; rv: Gecko/20110303 * Origin: Fidonet Via Newsreader - (1:123/789.0) .