Subj : Max/DOS in dosemu To : Ryan de Laplante From : mark lewis Date : Mon Apr 30 2007 11:34 am RdL> The problem I'm having now is the TP7P5FIX.COM TSR designed to RdL> fix the Runtime Error 200 in pascal programs doesn't RdL> work on my faster computer. It was designed for slower PII RdL> computers and works great on them... i keep seeing you say the above but somehow it strikes me as not correct... P5 <> PII the problem is really multiple in nature... the patch must properly patch the bad code... many do not... another part of the multiplicity is that many programs are compressed and/or otherwise protected in such a manner that they cannot be patched or hex edited without a major amount of work... )\/(ark * Origin: (1:3634/12) .