Subj : Another filearea question To : Shawn Highfield From : Bob Jones Date : Sun Jun 10 2007 01:57 pm H> You could also try the Open Watcom compiler, which H> cross compiles OS/2 H> binaries. SH> I actually installed Open Watcom to try this, but I SH> think the makefile / code is desgined for GCC, it just SH> failed horibily, but again I don't know what I'm doing. SH> :) The Maximus / Squish source code was set up for the commercial watcom compiler. The port to Linux (the current source forge branch) uses the normal make file for GCC. There hasn't been any work on getting things cleaned up and unified.... My apologies if I'm taking comments out of context. I am trying to catch up on a backlog of echomail messages. Take care.... Bob Jones, 1:343/41 --- Maximus/2 3.01 * Origin: Top Hat 2 BBS (1:343/41) .