Subj : Oscars 2022 To : August Abolins From : Erich B. Date : Fri Apr 08 2022 07:34 pm > Hi All... > Oscars 2022 > The biggest news of the night seemed to be the Chris Rock vs Will Smith > incident. > I personally don't subscribe to the tv services that carry the broadcast. But > I find it interesting that, except for a quick-list of top winners, the most > memorable thing that gets reported is the Rock-Smith confrontation. > Besides that, did your favourite movies get the nod that you hoped for? > Ciao! > /|ug ( > --- Want fido for iOS/MacOS/Android/Win/Linux? Info= > * Origin: Fido by Telegram BBS from Stas Mishchenkov (2:460/256) Will Smith has been banned from the Oscars for 10 years now. $ The Millionaire $ .