Subj : ffmpeg To : Alan Ianson From : Maurice Kinal Date : Tue Mar 07 2023 06:19 am Hey Alan! AI> That looks like an update. My ffmpeg is currently 5.something. Same here on a different drive. 5.2.1 methinks but I can readily check if it really matters. AI> I wouldn't want to break streaming codecs on this machine For sure. I am guesstimating things will soon be back in sync but in the meantime there is nothing wrong with 5.2.1 that I am aware of BUT I do notice a speed and quality boost with 6.0 at the helm. I did up a test 4K gopro video and plan to make up a 1020p and 720p of the exact same clip. I stripped two minutes from the original 4K mp4 which was made by my youngest daughter of her paddle boarding just outside of the Ladysmith Harbour (Coffin Point). I think they will make perfect test videos if you are in need. AI> I wasn't planning on installing ffmpeg there but I think I will. FOR SURE!!! It is a dependency for both mplayer and vlc. Also I heard vlc can play x265's which might matter in the near future. AI> I'll install ffmpeg and mplayer and see what it can do on the console. Sounds like a plan. Life is good, Maurice o- -o o- o- /) (\ /) /) ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ .... Ælc mann þe wisdom lufaþ biþ gesælig. Everyone who loves wisdom is blessed. --- GNU bash, version 5.2.15(1)-release (x86_64-pc-linux-gnu) * Origin: Little Mikey's EuroPoint @ (2:280/464.113) .