Subj : Connection Tests To : Michiel van der Vlist From : Victor Sudakov Date : Fri Apr 07 2023 12:25 am Dear Michiel, 06 Apr 23 15:38, you wrote to me: VS>> Does anyone know what software clients actually support IPv6 VS>> Pin-holing? MV> I am not sure what you mean by "software clients" in this context. MV> IPv6 pin-holing is something that is applied to a firewall. Firewalls MV> are found in routers and OSs. A "software client" in this context is a software like Transmission or uTorrent for example, which is capable of requesting a router to open a port to allow incoming packets to the address/ports where the software is listening. In other words, a "software client" is something that "applies" pin-holing to a firewall. VS>> I would think Bittorrent clients and utilities like syncthing VS>> should (because they support UPnP for IPv4), but I guess they VS>> don't do IPv6 Pin-holing. Maybe some games? MV> Please eleborate... The Transmission torrent client, and the syncthing file synchronization utility can use the UPnP protocol to request a firewall to pass *IPv4* incoming traffic (and create a port porwarding for IPv4 NAT). They cannot however (at least to my knowledge) use UPnP or any other protocol to request a router to open a hole for incoming traffic in an *IPv6* firewall. Victor Sudakov, VAS4-RIPE, VAS47-RIPN --- GoldED+/BSD 1.1.5-b20170303-b20170303 * Origin: Ulthar (2:5005/49) .