Subj : The Cowsills To : Paul Lawson From : Martin Ridgley Date : Tue Aug 15 2000 12:50 pm -=> Paul Lawson wrote to Bill Riley <=- PL> Bill Riley wrote in a message to Paul Lawson: BR> Oh well, we had our share of those too. Anybody remember the BR> Cowsills or the 1910 Fruitgum Company? PL> 1910 fruitgum I remember. Not that it's a good thing... What were their hits again? I seem to recall, "1, 2, 3, Red Light", and "Simon Says". I suspect Riley will remember those, too (even if he doesn't actually come out and admit it). Anyway, you must remember The Cowsills, Paul. No? They had hits with, "The Rain, The Park, and Other Things" and with the title song from the '60s hit musical, "Hair". Here's some useless trivia for you... The Cowsills were a family of musical siblings who became the model for the Partridge Family. The producers originally wanted the Cowsill family for the TV show, but the family refused when the powers that be insisted that the mother be played by an established actress, Shirley Jones. After the Cowsill family backed out, the producers went ahead and auditioned for the other parts. (Enter David Cassidy, Susan Dey, Danny Bonaduce, and a couple of other little tykes.) Anyway, Billy Cowsill, who I believe is the eldest sibling, was performing around Vancouver here and the U.S. northwest throughout the 1990s in a superb country-pop group called, The Blue Shadows. They made two critically acclaimed CDs, which sadly fell between the stylistic cracks - i.e. too country for pop radio, and too pop for Nashville. I saw them perform several times though, and can tell you that he still has a great singing voice. They appear to have disbanded now, but I'm keeping an eye out for his next project. Susan Cowsill has also been performing in what I'm told is a very good band called The Continental Drifters, based in New Orleans. I found out about them right here on this echo. They and the Cowsills were the subject of brief thread here about 3 years ago. :-) Okay now..., while we're on this bubblegum trivia thing, does anyone remember The Ohio Express? ;-) Martin ~~~~~~~~ --- Maximus 3.01 * Origin: Eclectic Lab BBS (1:153/831) .