Subj : re: Gord's Gold... To : Rich Lockyer From : Martin Ridgley Date : Fri Jul 14 2000 10:46 am -=> Rich Lockyer wrote to Steve Kaplan <=- RL> ...technical proficiency isn't everything... ...Yngwie and RL> Satriani, two of the most technically proficient players in the RL> world, yet people tend to find them boring and without feeling. RL> OTOH, look at Dylan, Jagger, Thorogood, etc... VERY popular and RL> considered among the greats, but among the least technically RL> proficient players/vocalists on record. Good point, Rich. I sometimes get in trouble for slagging people like Jagger and Thorogood. I have little use for either one of them. In particular, I think Mick Jagger has to be the single most over- rated singer in musical history! However, I've got to admit that there are other singers and players out there who are just as lacking in technical skills, and yet I like them because of something aspect of their sound or style. Go figure. I guess it's a totally subjective thing. Martin ~~~~~~~~ ___ MultiMail/MS-DOS v0.36 --- Maximus/2 3.01 * Origin: The Eclectic Lab (1:153/831) .