Subj : Re: Triumphant Return To : MARTIN RIDGLEY From : DOUGLAS MCHARG Date : Thu Apr 19 2001 12:55 pm > Good news, Doug. Welcome back. Thanks Martin...glad to see you are still around and doing well. The last time we chatted, you had purchased a new guitar...still like it? It's great that you are writing songs and playing with others. It will help to keep you young (in contrast to getting old quick by giving my daughter driving lessons). I miss Fugitive and the music that we played. Over the 13 years we got real tight and were one of the top bands in the city. I don't miss moving the gear or the late nights anymore though. The duo thing has been working very well and which is a good substitiute since I still get the playing time, but without the other hassles such as moving a lot of gear. Great to chat with you again. Give me a shout if you come over to the island, I would enjoy meeting you sometime. I get over to Vancouver periodically, but rarely have any free time since I only go to solve work problems, then return. I still chat to a lot of the guys including Sven from Germany (I chat on the phone with him about once or twice a month), so the old Fido group is still around. --Take care and write back...Doug. --- Platinum Xpress/Win/WINServer v3.0pr5a * Origin: BBS Networks @ 808-839-5016 (1:10/345) .