Subj : Re: Latest sources.. To : Nicholas Boel From : Vitaliy Aksyonov Date : Mon Feb 19 2024 09:08 am Hello Nicholas. 16 Feb 24 17:26, you wrote to me: ?aNB>>> My terminal during that session is already 160 wide, so that's ?aNB>>> not the issue with the random wrapping of those characters, ?aNB>>> then. VA>> So do you have terminal 160 chars wide, but message displayed VA>> narrower? NB> Yes, the message itself was created by a script and was only 78 NB> characters wide to begin with when it was created, and is posted to NB> the message base with 'hpt post'. Then most probably it has 'soft CR'. You may dump message hex codes with 'I'. NB> I just think that my utf-8 hackery may be moving some of those line NB> drawing characters to the next line when it shouldn't be doing so. NB> Maybe there are some soft CRs in there I should be looking for (I NB> don't know how to spot those)? I don't think it's because of UTF-8. Most probably it's just incorrect (for this specific case) settings. GoldEd has so many configuration parameters. It's very easy to screw it up. ?aNB>>> So am I actually able to specify which commit I would like to ?aNB>>> go back to with 'git bisect' or should I use 'git checkout'? ?aNB>>> If checkout is the answer, I won't be able to keep track of ?aNB>>> good or bad commits any more. If you just want to use specific commit, then use git checkout. If you want to do binary search for broken commit - use git bisect interactively. Here's a tutorial, how to use it: VA>> So how bisect works. VA>> You start process with git bisect start as you already did. VA>> First you mark some commit which is good for sure with git bisect VA>> good. Then mark "bad" commit with git bisect bad. That will be VA>> last commit in repo. git will checkout commit in the middle of VA>> those two for you. Then you build it and test. If it's good, run VA>> git bisect good, if it's bad, git bisect bad. Build it and test VA>> again. NB> That's how I understand it. However, you asked me to roll back to a NB> specific version, and git bisect is not able to do that. Sorry for confusion. That's two different things to try. With specific version I wanted to make sure that version prior to my changes works correctly. NB> So without going that route, I can say ever since you've started NB> updating Golded I haven't had any display issues, until this latest NB> version. What you seemed to have fixed for Wilfred, did the opposite NB> for me. :) And that's is very strange. I'd not be surprised if it was broken when I made first change (which was reverted by last commit), but looks like it worked fine. Vitaliy --- GoldED+/LNX 1.1.5-b20231030 * Origin: Aurora, Colorado (1:104/117) .