Subj : Re: Attn: APAM - GDYN IBBS Game To : Avon From : Ricky DeLuco Date : Mon Jan 29 2024 08:01 am Av> Av> ap> I had thought I had fixed this, but apparently not. I've added a fix Av> ap> into git but have not tested it yet. Av> ap> It's not a serious error, it just means the pirate attacks aren't Av> ap> working. Av> Av> Yarrr.... I guess that means the Pirates get a day off and can go to Av> Costco for a days shopping instead :) Av> Now that funny ! N4TDX BBS - Telnet: FSXnet: 21:1/136 * Fidonet 1:135/383 * Micronet 618:250/35 Titusville, FL. --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A48 (Windows/32) * Origin: N4TDX BBS (21:1/136) .