Subj : RE: array of filenames To : NuSkooler From : spaceman Date : Mon Jan 09 2023 10:13 am Right on - I'll give it a shot and see what happens :) thx! On 01/08/2023 8:34 pm NuSkooler said... Nu> Sweeeet! I know a number of people are put off by the default enig file Nu> browser, so you may get real popular :D Nu> I think what you'd want is a ListView with a custom 'itemFormat' / Nu> 'focusedItemFormat'. What that does is allow you to control the format of Nu> the list (array) of objects and reference their properties in the Nu> xxxxFormat, e.g. "{fileName:<20} {byteSize}" could expand to show the Nu> filename and byte size. --- ENiGMA 1/2 v0.0.14-beta (linux; x64; 14.21.2) * Origin: midnight coffee (21:1/162) .