Subj : Re: Linux / 5D To : Oli From : Wilfred van Velzen Date : Thu Feb 23 2023 03:41 pm Hi Oli, On 2023-02-23 15:38:08, you wrote to me: WvV>> But this works in Windows 10, not in Windows XP... :-( Ol> Are there any XP users of FMail? Me! ;-) Ol> Maybe port to ncurses or pdcurses? Ol> Ol> Ol> Might be the sledgehammer for a nut ;) That will be an option for the future, because linux fconfig will probably use ncurses. I found another way that gives consistent codes on XP and W10x64: Can you test it in wine? For: UP DOWN F1 F2 INSERT DELETE a b I get: 0 - 00 - ' ' + 26 0 - 00 - ' ' + 28 0 - 00 - ' ' + 70 0 - 00 - ' ' + 71 0 - 00 - ' ' + 2D 0 - 00 - ' ' + 2E 97 - 61 - 'a' + 41 98 - 62 - 'b' + 42 Bye, Wilfred. --- FMail-lnx64 * Origin: FMail development HQ (2:280/464) .