Subj : Re: rescanning and long messages To : Carlos Navarro From : Wilfred van Velzen Date : Tue Nov 29 2022 09:16 am Hi Carlos, On 2022-11-28 21:37:31, you wrote to me: WV>> I would have to test that. What are your settings for "Max message WV>> size (kb)" and "Max PKT size (kb)"? CN> 0 (no maximum) and 9999. CN> The big messages were tossed and exported to all links without issues when CN> they arrived. I only found this problem with rescans. I did the test, talking to my linux version of FMail and can reproduce this. So thanks for the bug report! ;-) Bye, Wilfred. --- FMail-lnx64 * Origin: FMail development HQ (2:280/464) .