Subj : FNEWSX28.ZIP To : Janis Kracht From : Wcallfix At 1:2320/100 Date : Sun Jan 15 2017 08:44 am Greetings, Here are the results of your recent search for files posted by WcFileFind. BBS Name : LiveWire BBS Fidonet : 1:2320/100 Telnet/HTTP/FTP : Location : Louisville, KY 40272 Times : 06:00 - 24:00 Freq : All files freqable via Telnet Access : Full access to files after telnet verification. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Search For : FNEWSX28.ZIP - 1 Found Area [93] FidoNews ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1 FNEWSX28.ZIP 10k -------------------------------------------------------------------------- LiveWire BBS Over 441,000 files available in 1TB. 1:2320/100 24 Hour File Requests Acceptible -------------------------------------------------------------------------- WcAllFix for Wildcat by P. Dingley, Rivendell BBS (UK) Rivendell can be contacted on +44-1623-558988/461445/461446 2:2503/221 --- Report Created by WcAllFix 1.01 (UNREGISTERED) This UnRegisteredVersion limited to 15 matches * Origin: LiveWire BBS -=* Louisville, KY *=- (1:2320/100) .