Subj : /blackhole AND inter-domain AND /gating OR /BH101B07 To : Andrew Leary From : mark lewis Date : Tue Nov 13 2012 08:46 pm ml> i've got the b07 beta as the filename in the subject shows... i was ml> just checking to see if others had the file available as well as ml> performing a sneak test of my system ;) AL> I've got the same version here. yeah, i think that was the last one released and it never made it to public release... dunno why but that where it is... as i wrote to someone else recently, i've been working, very slowly, on a similar tool but it is not even to alpha stage yet... it may not ever get there, either... but one only need to look in the FTSC library to find the documents on proper FTN<->FTN gating and even how to set up one of the old style zonegates... those shouldn't be needed any more as most software should be able to handle "gating" (aka forwarding) netmail from one FTN zone to another... FSC-35 might come in handy in these cases if for nothing more than to point out where the gating system is... )\/(ark * Origin: (1:3634/12) .