Subj : /Netmodem To : ALBANO DE MANUEL From : ALLFIX!+ 1:393/68 Date : Sat Dec 29 2007 12:14 am Found at : The Positronium Repository { Lafayette, LA USA } 1:393/68 :~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~: | TTY:8,N,1 +1-337-232-4155 WildCat! BBS {Open D/Ls} | | > ALL Files scanned with latest A/V Signature Definitions < | `=============================================================' Area : Internet {Wins 16/32-bit} ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ NET32_B4.ZIP 922,783 03-20-99 19:24:38 ----------[ NetModem/32 v1.0b4.sL ]---------- 32Bit FOSSIL Telnet Server for Windows 95/98 !! Multinode versions are now available !! Allows incoming Telnet connections to any BBS/Communications software that can use a FOSSIL driver. Supports baud rates of 19200, 38400, 57600 and 115200. Comports 3-99. Uses Windows WinSock TCP/IP. Works with Dial- up Networking, Cable modem, Ethernet, or any kind of TCP/IP connection. Emulates a modem via FOSSIL services. Dial-Out coming soon. Very fast over the Internet. Includes complete documents, Install and Uninstall programs for easy setup in Windows Released - 2/4/98 - NetModem/32 Beta 4 NETMDB15.ZIP 81,831 03-20-99 19:24:42 ---------------[ NetModem v1.0b15.sL ]----------------- BBS Telnet Daemon for Windows 95... Allows incoming Telnet to any BBS that can use a FOSSIL Driver. Supports Baud Rates of 19200, 38400, and 57600. Uses Windows95 WinSock (Dial-Up Networking or other)... Emulates COM ports 3-20. Very fast over the Internet if your ISP has decent bandwidth. Better than the others.. NOW FREEWARE!!!! NETMODEM/32 WILL NOT BE FREEWARE!! NetModem/32 (Native Win95, Multi-Threaded) coming soon. NT (NT Works/Server Native) Version hopefully coming... Author - Dedrick Allen / EMail: ------------------------------------------------------- NM32PTCH.ZIP 5,775 03-20-99 19:24:44 Windows 98 Patch for Netmodem/32 v1.0 beta 4 Area : BBS Packages & Utilities ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ IL201.ZIP 745,691 08-08-97 02:01:00 Illusion BBS v2.01 - Illusion is a fully featured bulletin board software sporting a extensive programming language (IPL), a message system that supports JAM, Squish, and *.MSG message formats, an action capable multinode teleconference, and more. Illusion home page at Uncrippled shareware $25. Includes NetModem 1.0b15.sL telnet server daemon. Area : TeleGard BBS & Utilities ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ NETMODEM.FAQ 2,785 04-23-99 02:58:00 Netmodem and Telegard BBS setup FAQ Area : FIDOnet Utilities ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ NETMODEM.RAR 23,076 10-26-98 05:31:40 //////// NetMODEM v1.0 (DOS) \\\\\\\\\ Реализация виртуального модема, работающего по локальной сети через сетевой протокол NetBIOS. езаменимая вещь для сетевых поинтов >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Virtual modem over LAN. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ E-mail FReqs available To: [1]@(2).{3} Subj: FREQ Body: FREQ (2) bellsouth [1] fido4cmech {3} net -=:{ ALLFIX! v5.11 build 4 }:=- --- * Origin: FIDONet - The Positronium Repository (1:393/68) .