Subj : /ELEBBS To : DAVE VANDERMEER From : ALLFIX!+ 1:393/68 Date : Tue Oct 16 2007 12:13 am Found at : The Positronium Repository { Lafayette, LA USA } 1:393/68 :~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~: | TTY:8,N,1 +1-337-232-4155 WildCat! BBS {Open D/Ls} | | > ALL Files scanned with latest A/V Signature Definitions < | `=============================================================' Area : IBM OS/2 Warp ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ EB_005G2.ZIP 1,303,311 07-18-99 18:15:06 EleBBS v0.05.g1 - public gamma release of EleBBS. A RA v2.5x compatible BBS. Features lightbarred menus, built-in TELNET server, newsgroups client and server support. Longfilename support! Available for DOS, Win95/NT and OS/2. OS/2 version. Area : BBS Packages & Utilities ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ EB_006G3.ZIP 1,182,762 01-03-00 12:52:14 EleBBS v0.06.g1 - public gamma release of EleBBS. A RA v2.5x compatible BBS. Features lightbared menus, built-in TELNET server, newsgroups client and server support. Longfilename support! Available for DOS, Win95/NT and OS/2. DOS (32-bit) version. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ E-mail FReqs available To: [1]@(2).{3} Subj: FREQ Body: FREQ (2) bellsouth [1] fido4cmech {3} net -=:{ ALLFIX! v5.11 build 4 }:=- --- * Origin: FIDONet - The Positronium Repository (1:393/68) .